The shoes you wear while touring on your bicycle will dictate a lot of your tour and will be one of the most basic decisions you will need to make. Do you want dedicated, hard-soled cycling shoes? Or will regular sneakers work for you?
The most fundamental question you will have to answer in this area is about the footwear you want to use. Do you want special or cleated shoes you'll wear only for cycling? Or do you want one all-purpose pair of shoes? There are advantages and disadvantages to both.
Bicycle Tool
Cleats: You've seen cyclists hobbling around after getting off their bikes. They are wearing very hard soles with cleats on the bottom which help them pedal more efficiently. With these shoes, your feet will be firmly attached to the pedals so you can pull up as well as push down on the pedals, which makes your pedaling much more efficient.
In addition, dedicated bicycling shoes have a hard sole to transfer energy more efficiently and prevent energy being absorbed by the rubber. Because they are made for cycling, they are reinforced in all the right places and will last longer. At the end of a long day on the bike, your feet will feel much better than with regular sneakers as the pressure of the pedal is distributed throughout the entire sole rather than being concentrated on the ball of your foot.
However, that efficiency and comfort comes at a price. Due to the stiffness of the shoes, it is very difficult to walk in cleats. When you need to go into the grocery store or walk across a bridge or take a quick hike back to a waterfall, you will have to change your shoes. As soon as you arrive in the campsite, your first task will be to dig out your other shoes and put them on. Climbing an embankment for a better photo may end up being more hassle than it's worth.
Hybrid shoes: Mountain biking shoes are one option to stiff-soled cycling shoes that may work for you. They are designed for mountain bikers who need to be able to run and climb, so have a more flexible sole while still be stiff enough to be reasonably efficient. These shoes have recessed cleats so you'll be able to walk without hobbling.
They have recessed cleats which makes walking much easier and you'll be able to go for short hikes in them. You will be able to walk comfortably around grocery stores or on short hikes without changing your shoes. You may opt not to change into other shoes in campgrounds.
Drawbacks to mountain bike shoes are that many people find them uncomfortable for walking long distances, so still need to carry another pair of shoes if they plan to do much walking - hiking or long sightseeing trips in cities. The cleats can also clog up when walking in mud and will need to be scraped clean with sticks occasionally.
Regular sneakers: Still other cyclists prefer the simplicity of regular shoes. With this option your pedaling stroke won't be as efficient, but you won't have to deal with changing shoes. Look for trail running shoes that are designed for flexing in one direction for walking, but not to flex down over rocks or pedals. Salomons and Keens have been well tested on the bike.
If you opt for this choice, you'll have to decide what to do about holding your feet on the pedal. Some cyclists go with toe clips, others with Power Grips, and still others simply use pedals with spikes to prevent their feet from slipping off. You will not have the advantage of using your upstroke, but many cyclists find they are perfectly comfortable without that.
I recommend trying all three options and see type of footwear works best for you. I've tried them all and have found I prefer the simplicity of regular sneakers. Others find hard-soled cycling shoes to their liking. There is no right and wrong answer, so find what works for you!
Cyber Monday Park Tool Rescue Tool Kit 2011 Deals
Dec 05, 2011 04:58:41
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Cyber Monday Park Tool Rescue Tool Kit Feature
- Packed with 21 useful tools for emergency repairs on the road or trail
- Includes nylon carrying case with embroidered Park Tool logo.
- Chainring nut wrench, Dust cap remover, Serrated knife, Bottle opener
Cyber Monday Park Tool Rescue Tool Kit Overview
- Includes:
- 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8mm Hex keys
- 2 Tire levers
- Phillips & flat-head screwdrivers
- T25 Torx
- 8, 9, & 10 Box end
- Chainring nut wrench
- Dust cap remover
- Knife
- Bottle opener - Includes nylon carrying case
Item Specifications | |
Includes | - 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8mm Hex Keys - 2 Tire Levers - Phillips and Flat-head Screwdrivers - T25 Torx - 8, 9, and 10mm Box-end Wrenches - Chainring Nut Wrench - 3 Spoke Wrenches - Dust Cap Remover - Knife - Bottle Opener |
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