If you are an aspiring cyclist who has recently taken up the hobby either for recreation, leisure or because it's great exercise, then this article is aimed at you. Every year a number of new riders are chased out of the sport by the often intense discomfort associated with the first few days of cycling. So it is no surprise that one of the common questions we receive is "What is the Most Comfortable Bicycle Seat?" Sadly there isn't one correct answer because it depends a lot on your riding style and personal geometry and then matching that with an appropriate bicycle seat.
One of the first things you need to become aware of are your "ischial tuberosities" which is a fancy term for your "sit bones." These are the two "pointy" bones that you can feel when you sit on a hard surface. These sit bones support your body weight when sitting on a bicycle saddle so it is important that they are supported by the saddle. If the saddle is too narrow then it can apply outward pressure on your sit bones, if it is too wide then it can create a very painful chafing and be quite uncomfortable in that regard too. So above ALL ELSE, including how squishy your seat is or what it's made of, it is critical to get the width of your saddle correct.
Bicycle Tool
Some bike shops have a device to measure your sit bones but in most cases you can come pretty close yourself. A quick test would be to lay a piece of foam or cushion, any soft surface that leaves an indention, on a hard surface and sit on the foam (naked or with very thin shorts works best) with the same posture that you would have on your bicycle. If you lean forward on your bike then lean forward on the foam, if you are upright on your bike then be upright on the foam. Once you have sat on the foam long enough to leave your "mark," then measure the indentions left by your sit bones in the foam. You measure from center of indention to center of indention to get the right measurement. This certainly isn't a scientific test but it works.
Once you have your sit bone width down then it's time to look for the right bicycle saddle. If you are a woman then you should know that the typical female sit bones are slightly wider than the typical male and most of the saddles on the market out there are designed for a man. You will need to be even more careful when selecting a saddle simply because most of them will lean towards being too narrow. Many manufacturers have come out with a female specific version of their bicycle seats to give you a much wider selection of comfortable bicycle saddles intended for your geometry.
Once you get the seat width down, you will be simply amazed at how much more enjoyable your bicycle riding becomes. A comfortable bicycle seat is one that first and foremost fits your own personal geometry.